I’ve found something which reveals all facts & details of Facebook. I guarantee that more than 90% of Facebook users are not aware of these facts. Now since you are a Facebook user & you are attached to it, you should know these things. Here is a cool Facebook Infographic which will make everything easy to understand.
Facebook Infographic that reveals many unseen and unheard facts:
✦ The Cost of Facebook.com domain.
✦ No. of people on Facebook.
✦ No. of people who login to Facebook daily.
✦ Time spent on Facebook by it’s users.
✦ Most popular pages on Facebook.
✦ How Facebook Makes Money.
✦ Biggest Myths about Facebook etc…
So here is what I wanted to share with you all…
Credits:- Onlineschools.org -aims to be the premier portal for online education on the web…
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