How to use a Linux based VPS
First of all before be began any thing let;s learn a bit about VPS. VPS stands for Virtual Private Server which is basically a server or a computer like the one you have with higher RAM, HDD, better processor, secure and with high speed connectivity over Internet.
As VPS provides higher processing capability , high level of control, and a lot more features. Their may be a number of reasons for purchasing a VPS.
Linux VPS always comes with an preinstalled image of some LINUX based OS like Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora etc. But, the method of using them dosen't change depending on the image, What change is the commands that will matter later.
So, now assuming you finally have a Linux VPS. i.e an IP (something like ) and a username and password and you don't know what to do with them.
Steps to use a VPS
To make a connection to terminal (VPS) first you need a SSH client. Their are a no of such clients available over internet Free and Paid both, and you are free to choose any of them.
For now we are going with #Bitvise SSH Client ( Download ). You can also try #Putty

Enter your VPS IP in the HOST and put port as 22 and change the username to the one provided by your VPS provider. For most vps sellers its root.
Now click LOGIN.

Now it will ask you for the password. Enter the password and Volla You got connected to VPS and you have the terminal Window to use vps.

Don't worry basically Linux vps comes with command line image of Operating System but, if you want to use your VPS as RDP( Remote Desktop) or as GUI , you can do so later using command line.

To Browse files on your VPS you can use SFTP client that was provided along with SSH BitVise Client.
Download Bitvise SSH Client From Here
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