Airtel UDP Port 53 Trick is live again but this the condition has changes. As we all know the port 53 has been blocked in nearly every state on the default APN but still there are some tricks which are working at the backend based on the Port 53.
This is trick is based on the UDP Port 53. I know you all will be surprised that how Come UDP is working because it has been blocked since months. But this is not true as one of our contributors “Sam” has made the config for the NDM VPN and is working flawlessly.
Note : This Config is made by SAM and we should respect his contribution. Thanks a lot.
What You have to do to get this Config Work :
Mostly of us are using the 2G Pack as no other trick is working
except for the few. What you need is a Idea or Airtel SIM with the 2G Pack activated forget about the speed capping here. Now Just open the NDM and paste downloaded config.
No need to recharge with the unlimited GPRS Pack Just recharge with the Minimum GPRS pack to test this for your Area.
There will be no deduction in the GPRS balance, Just simply connect it. Maximum to maximum it can deduct 0.03 MB sometime not at regualr intervals.
Features of the Airtel UDP Port 53 Trick :
- Based on the UDP Port 53
- Use the default APN for
Airtel : - Torrent also supported
- Cab be used with the NMD and BOOKVPN
- Both the HTTP and HTTPS protocols are supported.
- High Speed and Internet and no Data Capping.
- No disconnection or Fall-backs
- Working in both EDGE and WCDMA or HSPA Mode
- Can be also configured in the Android OS via VPNDroid for Airtel
Airtel Users : If this work for you then recharge with the Video Calling Pack to avoid SIM Blocking or disconnect the connection at regular intervals.
How to Configure Airtel UDP Port 53 Trick :
- At First you Must have the NMD VPN and Must download the Config files
I have always posted the trick openly and due to excessive copy and paste We will continue to provide the Configs in the Survey.
- If you have the BookVPN Account then you can directly put the username and password for the better speed and connectivity
BookVPN Password is also saved in the Config and It will also work be default.
- In Case you are not having the account then Register at the BookVPN website
- You will get the User Name and Password >> Paste that Password in the pass.txt
This File is located inside the config folder. Save It.
- Now Connect your Mobile Network via the APN :
- Run the NMD VPN and Select the Vodafone Configuration file
Windows 7 and Windows 8 Users, Must run this program as the Administrator and will all the privileges.
- It will connect in a Minute and you can Browse/download the Data.
This trick is working all over the India. Just paste or replace the configuration file. You can almost get the download Speed of 1 MBPS “Of-course Bandwidth” from Airtel UDP Port 53VPN. If you want to download the torrent then you can download it via the ZBIGZ and yes this servers also have the support of the torrent files.
Screenshot of Airtel UDP Port 53 Trick :
Second Screenshot of the ASSIGNED IP Address :
You can also configure this trick for your Android Handset, by following this tutorial.
If in case you are unable to connect through Airtel UDP Port 53 VPN then switch to the Default Profile for any issues do leave your message we will try to resolve it soon. If you face any issue in configuring the Airtel UDP-53 trick then do leave a message and do-do Like US on Facebook, to keep yourself Updated.