Keylogger TERMINATOR for your Windows!

Some quick facts about KL-Detector

It should work under Windows NT 3.51 SP3, Windows 2000, and Windows XP.
No installation is necessary.
It cannot detect hardware keylogger. Well, no software can.
It cannot remove the keylogger automatically. You have to do it by yourself.
It reports the log file. If there is a log file, there should be a keylogger.
It might be called anti-keylogger, but I don't like that name. It detects keylogger, hence the name is KL-Detector.
It was written by a hobbyist programmer. So when I say it's free, it's really free :)

How to detect keylogger? How does KL-Detector work?

It works by scanning your local hard disk for any log file created during the monitoring process. Most keyloggers will eventually save the recorded data into a location in the hard disk. KL-Detector will inform you of such log file. This way, the program can detect all keyloggers, both known and unknown. Use KL-Detector to detect keylogger in public computer before you enter your password, credit card info, etc.

I have found a log file. What should I do?

Sometimes KL-Detector will give a false positive; that is, when a normal file is perceived as a log file. So please ensure that the reported file is a log file. If it is, that means a keylogger is installed on your system. Check the startup items and eliminate suspicious program. XP users: press Ctrl-Alt-Del and review all processes. Of course, adequate computer knowledge is required to remove the keylogger from your system...

What exactly does KL-Detector do?

It monitors disk-writes and then reports the written files to you.
It does NOT contain any spyware, adware, or the like. It does NOT phone home. It does NOT make any Internet connection.
So if you are really fanatic about your privacy, you can use KL-Detector without any worries.

Contact me if...

You need my help in detecting keyloggers.
You have found a suspicious file and need my assistance to remove the keylogger (if there is any).
You got an error. Please tell me how to reproduce the error, your operating system, etc.
Certain keyloggers are not detected by KL-Detector. Although this is unlikely to happen...
You have some testimonials to say. I will post it at this page.

Download attachments Given Below and start detecting keyloggers

(37.14 KiB) Downloaded 6 times
to Search logs of keylogger ....and
(155.69 KiB) Downloaded 8 times
to run keylogger remover...

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