shut down small websites crash them using DDos attack commant prompt trick

hello guyz i found way to crash websites. but like i say my post are only for knowlage purpose.
Have you ever wanted to DOS attack on a website. Here I am going to write about a tool which is really helpful but it wouldn't be effective on big servers.

way - 1

tools -

rDos tools {7 KB}

advanced port scanner {426.2 KB}


hide your ip :p

1. First of all you need to know the IP address of the website you want to crash.
Use ping command in windows to get the ip address of the website.
open CMD and enter ping
see the screenshot

Now you have the IP address of the website.

2. Now use Port scanner to check whether PORT 80 is open or not. If PORT 80 is not open choose another website to hack
otherwise you can crash this website.

3. Now open your rDos. Enter your victims ip that you got from step 1.
It will ask you for the port to attack use port 80 that’s why we scanned to make sure that 80 was open! If it is closed it will not work.

way - 2
how to ddos a website using command prompt just follow simple steps :

1.Find a target website , mainly the one with apache server

for ex we have our website :

2.Now we have to find ip adress of -website so, goto run>typ CMD >then type ping www.टार्ग you will find the ip adress of website below just copy that ip adress let it for ex :

4.Now we have got ip adress to send the packets , now in the next line type :

ping -t -l 65500 [Here ip adress is just an example]

now keep your computer as it is for 1 hour

5.after one hour visit the website you will see the website is crashed :p

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