Hexjector : Opensource,Cross Platform PHP script to automate Site Pentest for SQL Injection Vulnerabilties.

Hexjector : Opensource,Cross Platform PHP script to automate Site Pentest for SQL Injection Vulnerabilties. Posted on Sunday, 18 ... [Read More]

Joomla Hacking

1-  Finding Exploit And Target Google dork: inurl:"option=com_mytube" Type that Dork in Google. 2- Inject Target Find ... [Read More]

JooMLa Easy Hacking Method

1-  Finding Exploit And Target Google dork: inurl:"option=com_mytube" Type that Dork in Google. 2- Inject Target Find ... [Read More]

EzFilemanager Deface Upload vulnerability

EzFilemanager Deface Upload vulnerability   Google Dork inurl:ezfilemanager/ezfilemanager.php (Modify this dork for getting mo... [Read More]


